Seth’s Laws of the Inner Universe

Seth’s Laws of the Inner Universe

Příspěvekod Petr » ned 11. led 2009 11:12:47

Seth’s Laws of the Inner Universe

Value Fulfillment

“If growth is one of the most necessary laws of your camouflage universe, value fulfillment corresponds to it in the inner reality universe.

Later ...

“These basic laws are followed on many levels in your own universe. We will go into these laws in time. So far I have given you but one, which is value fulfillment.

“In your physical universe this rule is followed as physical growth. The entity [inner ego] follows this rule through the cycle of reincarnations. The species of [hu]mankind, and all other species in your universe on your particular horizontal plane, follow this law under the auspices of evolution. On other planes this law is carried through in other manners, but it is never ignored.” [session 44, p. 14]

“... consider a seed, a grass seed.

“You say that grass grows from a seed, but the grass is not the seed. The material of the grass is not the material of the seed. From experience you know that the seed will often precede grass.

“As usual, this is putting things backwards. The grass contains no particle of matter that is identical in the seed.

“Here you see clearly the difference between value fulfillment and what you call growth. In your physical field value fulfillment consists of the development of the ability of the immaterial to express itself within the physical field.

“Growth is an erroneous conception that begins with the distortive idea of continuous physical matter, durable in time. And as you know, instead matter is the simultaneous expression of consciousness. Matter has little, really no, durability in itself, and is merely the instantaneous form taken by consciousness as it projects itself in the physical field.

“Grass is common. It is supposed to grow from seed, yet again no particle of matter is the same in grass or seed. Seed does not grow into grass. Acorns do not grow into trees. Children do not grow into adults.

“In all instances, no particle of matter is the same in the so-called grown version, and the initial construction. Matter does not grow. I cannot make this too plain.” [session 71, p. 242]

“You are playing with the very outmost skin of a reality whose true thickness and depth is presently beyond your comprehension. I am using the terms depth and thickness to aid you. They are meant for their intuitional value, and not to be necessarily taken literally.

“Nor is this material itself in any way meant to suggest that the attempt for knowledge is futile. By no means. Only that your own conception must first enlarge and not be imprisoned by the limitations.

“Value fulfillment represents an extension of the inner self in its journey into this reality. The reality can be manipulated only after its existence is known.” [session 72, p. 253]

Energy Transformation

“The second law of the inner universe is energy transformation. This occurs constantly.

“Energy transformation and value fulfillment, all existing within the spacious present, add up to a durability that is at the same time spontaneous. Energy transformation and value fulfillment add up to a durability that is simultaneous.” [session 44, p. 14]


“Our third law is spontaneity, and despite all appearances of beginning and end, despite all appearance of death and decay, all consciousness exists in the spacious present, in a spontaneous manner, in simultaneous harmony, and yet within the spacious present there is durability.” [session 44, p. 14]


“Durability is our fourth law. Durability within the framework of the spacious present would not exist were it not for the laws of value fulfillment and energy transformation. These make duration within the spacious present not only possible but necessary.

“Now, on your particular camouflage universe you are learning energy transformation. And in your case you are learning to transform inner energy by forming it into physical constructions that the plane enables you to manipulate by the formation of particular outer senses for this purpose. You are severely limited as yet in the use of your abilities. When the two laws of value fulfillment and energy transformation are mastered, then duration is a natural consequence.” [session 44, p. 14-15]

“Now returning briefly, I would like again to mention our spacious present, in which all things have their existence. When the spacious present is understood, with its attributes of spontaneity, then the cause and effect theory will fall. The cause and effect theory being the result of continuity holds no water. Basically, the spacious present as you know does have durability because of the existence of value fulfillment.

“It does not have continuity, in the manner in which the term continuity is usually used. Continuity usually implies one thing happening before or after another. The spacious present contains instead spontaneity, and within it all happenings are simultaneous, and yet there is durability.

“The durability is achieved because of constant expansion in terms of value fulfillment. Your camouflage physical universe does, necessarily, lead you to suppose that time exists in terms of past, present and future, simply because the idea or energy constructed into physical reality therefore operates under physical properties.” [session 51, p. 79]


“I am not giving you these laws necessarily in the order of their importance, merely in the order which is easiest for me to deliver to you. Creation is obviously one of the basic laws, which we will call the fifth law.” [session 44, p. 15]

“The fifth law of the inner universe is creation, as I have told you. Again, this is not necessarily the fifth law in terms of importance. I am simply giving you the laws in the simplest way.

“This creation involves not merely the juggling of energy units and fields, from one form to another, but also involves the setting up of new fields. This is oftentimes the result of value fulfillment, in which case all the given possibilities are bound to emerge, but each emergence is in the truest sense a creation.

“Creation occurs, again, most often through value fulfillment, which exists in a dimension having nothing to do with your space and time; and in the deepest sense creation as a whole, originally, if you’ll excuse the term, had nothing to do with either your space or your time, and the birth of your known outer universe came long after in the story of creation and value fulfillment.

“When your scientists finally decipher the physical realities behind the birth of your known universe, they will only discover that this was an exterior manifestation of a vital psychic reality that existed long before. Creation almost always exists hand in hand with value fulfillment, and by the time that any physical construction appears within your plane, it has already been in existence. An idea on your plane gives birth to physical constructions, but the idea itself is merely a translation of another reality, which gave birth to it.

“Value fulfillment is very much like creation, and yet there is a difference, and creation exists first, if we must speak in terms of continuity, and for you we must. There is much here that almost can be given to you only through conceptual patterns, and again this difficulty arises in words strung out one before the other.” [session 50, p. 67]


“Our next law, of the inner universe, is of course consciousness. Everything that exists on any plane and under any circumstances contains consciousness, condensed knowledge, and even self-awareness to some degree. There is no case where this is not so.” [session 50, p. 71]

Capacity For Infinite Mobility

“Or next law of the inner universe is the capacity for infinite mobility, this occurring within the spacious present, which is an infinite spacious present.” [session 50, p. 71]

Changeability & Transmutation

“Our next law is the law of infinite changeability and transmutation. That is, any given portion of energy has within it the capacity to take on any pattern or to form an infinite number of energy fields, each one giving forth a truly infinite variety of results.

“As you know, the cells or atoms in an arm could just as well form an ear, as far as innate ability is concerned. This is a very simple example.

“While it might sound impossible to you, this generalized molecular consciousness, which you would call subconscious, contains within it, in condensed genetic fashion, all knowledge of the inner workings of the universe, this knowledge being acted upon and instantly accessible when it is needed.

“When you realize that you are much more than the egotistical ‘I am,’ and that your true personality contains a much larger and really more powerful inner ego, then this relative inavailability of inner comprehension to the outer ego will not annoy you.

“Now, you will see that the inner ego of which we have spoken many times is the projector of energy upon your plane. The inner ego, representing the basic personality, through [the inner sense of] diffusion makes a materialization of itself and enters your plane.” [session 50, p. 71]


“Cooperation is always a vibrant and necessary law, and you may add cooperation to our list of laws governing the inner universe.

“Now, this constant creation of the universe is not maintained through some localized subconscious that exists somewhere between two ears, behind the forehead. The individual subconscious, as I have explained, is the result of a psychic pooling of resources and abilities. It is a gestalt, maintained and formed by the cooperating, generalized consciousness of each atom and molecule of which the physical body is composed.

“Each individual atom within its generalized consciousness has the capacity, in some degree, to construct its portion of energy into physical construction. It is extremely important that you understand this fact, and realize that the individual cells, for example, lose no individuality in the process, and gain immeasurably, the whole physical structure of the body being the result of this cooperation of cells which are themselves the result of cooperation of atoms and molecules.

“The resulting pattern or physical body makes it possible for the cells, atoms and molecules to express themselves, and to fulfill abilities that would be impossible for them in another context. They share to some degree in the perspective reached through the abilities of a physically-large body structure, in a way that would be denied to them in other fashions.

“From their cooperation they achieve a value fulfillment along certain lines. I mentioned the capacity for infinite mobility and transmutation as being one of the laws of the inner universe. The reflection of this law is seen in the latent ability for almost infinite varieties of structures, and endless combinations that can be achieved by the atoms and molecules, and smaller particles of your universe.

“You remember that value fulfillment is also one of our laws of the inner universe, and in this particular instance, the atoms and molecules have the opportunity for value fulfillment along many lines, according to the form that their cooperation and combination may take.

“I am explaining this matter rather thoroughly because we will be getting to matters concerning the entity [inner ego] and its personality developments. The entity, for example, works with the same sort of individual cooperation, and uses building blocks of energy in much the same manner, that the atoms and molecules in the physical world combine to form cells, organs, and the whole structure of the physical body.

“As the various cells maintain their individuality, as they gain in terms of value fulfillment by cooperation and still retain their uniqueness, so also do the various personalities retain their individuality and uniqueness while still cooperating to form the psychic structure of the entity, which in one context also forms them; and with this little problem I will let you take your break. There are more ways to see what is inside an egg than cracking, it, as you will discover.” [session 50, p. 76-77]

Quality Depth

“You have seen that the ego is a building block. It never becomes less than a unit, and may become more.

“The fragments that may develop from it do not make it less. At one time I mentioned massive units or blocks of intelligent energy, pyramids of psychic comprehensions, of which I cannot tell you too much at this time; but perhaps you can begin to perceive now how such comprehensions could be formed.

“Perhaps you can begin to sense the value fulfillment of such intelligent energy structures. You know very well that time as you know it has no meaning except within the domain of your own plane [Framework 1]. I have hinted in the past that I was touched by something that could be loosely related to, or substituted for, what you think of as time. It has nothing to do with intervals, or with beginnings or with endings.

“It has to do with not physical growth, of course, but with psychic fulfillment, which is as you know value fulfillment. We will call this quality-depth, and yet it has nothing to do with space. This is a quality existing with assurance of expansion, in terms of value fulfillment.

“Quality-depth, is therefore a sort of perspective having to do with value fulfillment. I can perhaps give you an analogy. Quality-depth is the sort of perspective, the only perspective, in which an idea can expand. It could be said to take the place of both your space and time, though this is somewhat simplifying matters.

“It is the perspective in which psychic motion occurs. In hypnosis for example a trance is said to be light or deep. This corresponds somewhat to the kind of depth that is involved here. Unfortunately, when you think of depth you think in terms of a movement at once inward and outward.

“Here we will most probably run into some difficulty, but I will try to explain what I mean, and will clear up any questions later. As the self has an inner and an outer ego, so also does the inside finally become the outside. Theoretically for example, if followed through, a deep trance leading to a deeper inside so to speak, would bring you ultimately to another outside. The outer ego for example would meet the inner ego, and vice versa.

“This is an instance of true traveling, or psychic motion. Now this quality that could be said to be a substitute for your space and time, this quality-depth, represents the perspective in which this sort of psychic traveling or psychic motion, or any psychic action, occurs; and its depth can be understood not in terms of downward action, but perhaps you can comprehend it if you think of a deep trance, for example, as definitely having motion, though the body may be motionless.

“But in trance depth, as in quality-depth, the motion has a direction that cannot be thought of in terms of up or down, north or south, east or west. The motion is action through quality or value dimension. I have been meaning to speak about this. It could easily be called the inner extension of your [inner sense of] psychological time, so you will see its importance.

“Psychological time indeed involves you in the initial venturing. It is like an outer rim. This quality-depth is our only true perspective. Again, no intervals are involved. I find difficulty in choosing words evocative for my meaning.

“Quality-depth is therefore the perspective in which all psychic actions occur, all ideas and universes expand. This expansion occurs in infinite dimensions, as perhaps it could be said that an apple develops about its core; and that perhaps is not a good analogy.

“You see, your idea of geometry, the circle, triangles and squares, are so based upon your own plane that the apple analogy containing the circle idea will be inadequate, since not enough dimensions are implied. The massive pyramids of comprehension have experienced such magnificent quality-depth that they represent, to the best of my knowledge, the highest or most perfect psychic entity formation.

“And yet they are not complete in terms of an entire possession of comprehension. They are not because, that is they are not entire or complete or perfect, in terms of quality-depth, because as far as I know such a perfection is impossible. A sublime discontent will drive them to form ever-new patterns of existence, new perspectives of quality-depth, in which to move and explore.

“I do not wish to become so involved that you literally screech at me for explanations. Nevertheless, once you asked me about the weather where I am, and I put you off. This is, I admit, a play on words. Nevertheless, I have spoken of the value climate of psychological reality.

“Now if you wish, quality-depth operates within the value climate of psychological reality, and gives truly amazing dimension to the spacious present, which is contained within the value climate of psychological reality.

“You may if you wish consider the quality-depth principle as blowing like a wind through the spacious present, it indeed being like a wind in that it is known by its effects; and if you must think of it visually it would, perhaps, have a funnel shape. All of these concepts are most difficult to translate into word patterns.” [session 59, p. 133-135]

Source: ... ulfillment
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