Comment: About Abraham and Seth

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Comment: About Abraham and Seth

Příspěvekod Petr » čtv 16. dub 2009 11:15:14

Abraham has told us that Seth is included among that energies/non-physical entities that make up the Abraham energy. So essentially, they are the same "teacher". Seth, along with Jane Roberts, who translated thought from Seth, brought forth the teachings in different words, but the "truths of the Universe" remain just that. Esther and Jerry read the Seth teachings and recognized their truth, even before Abraham began to transmit blocks of thought to Esther. As Abraham sometimes says in the workshops:

"The Gang's All Here".

That means Seth, Jesus, and pretty much all of the entities who have intended to be, and have been, the great teachers of our, and all time.


I want to make two general comments. First, to reiterate what I noted earlier in this thread, Seth and Abraham are not "separate" entities. The energy that called itself "Seth" when Jane Roberts was translating thought from infinite intelligence is present among the energies called "Abraham". Again, Abraham has repeated said, that when Esther lines up to "hear" the teachings, "the gang's all here". So looking for differences in the messages of Seth and Abraham is the same as looking for differences between Jesus and Abraham - in that case, again - it's all the "same" in that it is the same energy.

So... why, when we read the books do we find "inconsistencies"? Abraham has explained this abundantly. The teachers are responding to the ASKING. Abraham does not come to us with a fixed agenda of information that they want to impart to us. Nor did Seth, I believe. But rather, they come in response to OUR ASKING. Seth came in response to the asking of those a generation ago. Different asking brings different response. Does this mean that one is more "true" than the other? No! Even with the seeming inconsistencies, the consistencies are what ring out FAR more.

Now, in addition to our collective asking, there is the matter of the person doing the translating! Abraham has noted many times that Esther has the ability to connect, to align her vibration VERY CLOSELY to that of non-physical, and to ALLOW Abraham's message to flow to her. They have also specifically said that FOR ESTHER the death experience will not be the "big hairy deal" (to coin a phrase being used a lot on the forum) that it will be for some other people because of this very alignment. Esther is "used to" being non-physical already! So the transition will be smooth and feel familiar. Abraham has also said that before Abraham started to communicate through her, Esther was just "bipping along" through life, not really doing any terribly strong ASKING (that was Jerry doing the asking!) and that she was a "happy person". Jane Roberts, by contrast, had a very "intense" (my word) life. She was not "bipping" as Esther was - but rather she'd formed a very fast moving stream for herself, lots of contrast, lots of resistance, and lots of asking - oh, so much asking of her own! And her experience here in this physical life included much pain and physical suffering - which, as we know from both Seth AND Abraham, is an INDICATOR of vibrational resistance. Jane Roberts was not, as Esther is, "used to" the higher vibrations. And as Robyn mentioned, and I think is important, the standpoint of the ASKER (Jane) will attract a different slant to the answer, and a different "translation" of the information. Don't forget that Seth, like Abraham, did not "inhabit" Jane, but rather "he" transmitted blocks of thought to her, as Abraham does to Esther. So the messages are coming through a real human being whose own experiences, desires and beliefs in this life are part of the filter. Esther decided long ago that she'd be "happy healthy happy healthy happy healthy - dead." Jane Roberts' experienced transition in a wildly different manner. It's ALL GOOD - the point is that the way Jane experienced her transition is an INDICATOR of her vibration on all of that! So is it any wonder that her translations of Seth's message about transition would be different than Esther's? The really important thing is that at the heart of these translations is the exact same truth. We are non-physical beings that have chosen to focus here in physcial and that when we transition, we return to Pure Positive Energy. Seth and Abraham would agree on that - because it's simply the Universal truth.

Another thing to note is that even Abraham's message has not always been "consistent". And again, the reason lies in OUR ASKING! When Esther and Jerry first began to gather groups into workshops, in the 80's, much of the asking revolved around "earth changes". If you have read the books "New Beginnings" - the first books by Abraham - you will see much to-do about how to protect yourself from "disaster" and big forces of nature. This is not because these things were uppermost in the minds of non-physical! This is because these things were uppermost in the minds of the ASKERS that were exposed to Abraham at that time! Abraham's message comes through the "crack of least resistance", and what was being asked then is different than what is being asked now!

Abraham too, by the way, has made mention of the fact that if one terribly fears death, their experience may be VERY BRIEFLY one of disorientation when they hit that big whoosh of pure positive energy! But what Abraham impresses on us most it that we get to choose! We get to have, in physical as well as in non-physical, the experience we pre-pave for ourselves. But even if we don't - there is NO SUFFERING in non-physical. That much is abundantly clear. We leave behind all negativity. All. Abraham has said this categorically - usually in response to asking that has to do with "karma" and how much we bring from physical life to physical life. They are clear - what didn't feel good is shed.

I hope I haven't gone all over the map here. For myself, the Seth teachings (which I read more than once in their entirety before I discovered Abraham) were a stepping stone to being able to accept Abraham's message. I recognized them as authentic and "true", but Abraham fits MY "asking". As Jerry says at every workshop - "we're in it for the FUN!" The fact that Esther and Jerry are "in it for the fun" contrasts with what (I believe) Jane and Rob were "in it for". (Academic curiosity? Intellectual expansion?) It's ALL GOOD!!!!

For some reason algebra just popped into my mind. I remember how in junior high when I started to learn algebra I kind of thought it was fun - it seemed like solving puzzles - logical, almost magical. I actually liked math that first year! But then, the next year, I got a different teacher... and the fun just evaporated. That teacher was not as "connected" to the subject and imparted it in a more serious, dry manner that (to me) did not vibrate with fun and magic the way the previous teacher's had. Same information - different interpretation.

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Re: Comment: About Abraham and Seth

Příspěvekod LuKas » sob 07. lis 2009 13:21:14

Naposledy upravil LuKas dne ned 07. lis 2010 17:33:06, celkově upraveno 1
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Re: Comment: About Abraham and Seth

Příspěvekod Petr » sob 07. lis 2009 20:26:42

Dikec, za doplneni.
Mam dojem, ze je to popsano i cesky v knize Jane Roberts: Sethovy promluvy.
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Re: Comment: About Abraham and Seth

Příspěvekod AlfaScorpii » stř 03. úno 2010 2:09:34

A ten Jody je kdo?
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Re: Comment: About Abraham and Seth

Příspěvekod Petr » stř 03. úno 2010 9:42:21

Jody je jedna pani z US fora o Abrahamovi. Hodne s nimi jezdi a rozsah jejich znalosti o tom, co a kdy Abraham rekl je preveliky :), takze se z jejich prispevku da dobre cerpat :).
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