Abraham's advice to writters

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Abraham's advice to writters

Příspěvekod Petr » stř 27. kvě 2009 10:32:05

Excerpt from Dublin, Ireland, May 2008 Workshop

(Answer to a man with writers block)

“At first when you were feeling it, it was just you and your story and your story wrote itself through you. IOW, you had this vibrational relationship with this idea and for some time before you began to actually pen it, you had launched your rockets of desire. So it was bubbling over here in your vibrational escrow. And do you know that all kinds of amazing writers join you in your vibrational escrow? That’s what inspiration is. When you begin putting ideas there through life experience, it begins to percolate and call you forward.

So you had this relationship between you and your story that was life-giving. Remember how fun it was? You would wake up – you couldn’t sleep – it’s all you wanted to do. You wanted to talk about it with everyone. Everything in the world seemed to relate to it in some way. LOA was just giving you so much evidence. People would actually perform parts of your screenplay right out on the street in front of you. IOW, you were such a vibrational match to it.

And THEN… you did what almost everybody does – you put it before someone else, where something very strong happened. You lost your relationship between you and you - the physical you and your expanded screenwriter/genius you. And you established a relationship between you and the critic, you and the one who would receive it, you see.

You let yourself turn your attention away from this that was calling you. What we would encourage you to do – you just have to reach the place where you don’t give a rip what they think, what anybody thinks.

Rejections? Do you know what all those rejections are doing for you? We wish for you hundreds of more rejections, because when you know what you don’t want, you know more clearly what you do want. And it puts more power over here. It makes the energy swirl more, so when it pops, it pops in a bigger way.

The key, and the best thing we know is to write more. The fastest way to get what you’ve already written published is to write more, write more, write more… because when you write you hold yourself in vibrational alignment.

We talked to a musician not long ago, and he was, is, good at his craft. But when he took it to others, his vibration got all scrambled because now he’s caring about what they think and he’s lost his connection with his muse.


And don’t keep fixing that one! Write another one, and then another one and then another…IOW, don’t write it and then tweak it and guard it and fix it. Write, write, write, write…

Let it flow through you because when you have your success, you will be under great demand and you’ve got to keep writing and writing and writing. IOW, keep the pump flowing; keep the words flowing. There are endless stories in you, and endless words and endless opportunities.

Esther had the good fortune some years ago – it was the first day that she had her laptop computer with her in a hotel room – to hear an author being interviewed who was explaining that he doesn’t write the words for his characters, he just identifies who the characters are and throws them together in a situation and they know what to do and what to say and how to behave. And when Esther thought about that, she began dabbling with it, and it was unbelievable how many characters are over there in vibration escrow who know what to say. And if you’re listening, you can just write it all down, you see.

You’ve done all the work. You know how to write. You have a good turn of phrase. Your mind works fast. You are very good at translating thought into words and dialogue. You can make it be real. All you gotta do is stop noticing what’s not happening and let it happen. Really.

So here’s a trick. When you go for your interview - before you get there – say things to yourself such as, ‘I suppose that every wonderful screenwriter was at one time standing right where I am – unpublished, knowing he was good, doing good work, but not recognized and not understood. And now look where they are. Everyone had to walk through this place where I am standing to get where I now want to be. Plenty of them have done it. And this is the process I’m savoring right now. I wouldn’t give this part of the process up for anything.’

IOW, get inside that and feel the beginning of what will be known as a genius’s career. Get in there and feel it.

Feel it and when you go for your submission, think to yourself, ‘I will only agree to play with them if they have the ability to really do my work justice.’

IOW, don’t go with the feeling, ‘I hope it’s good enough.’ It’s good enough! Go with the vibration that says, ‘If you want to play with me, you gotta be up to speed with what I’ve got going on here, because this is just the beginning of so much more and I don’t want my first start to be a fizzle. I want it to really go.’

So ‘I’m interviewing you’ is the attitude that you want to have. ‘I’m interviewing you to see if you’re up to speed with the game that I’ve been practicing, that I’m ready to play.’

And when you practice yourself in those places, what you will begin to discover is that the Universe knows, you see. You’ve been putting yourself and your projects over there in vibrational escrow and do you know that LOA and the Sources that BE and the Fairies of the Universe have been accumulating everything necessary to bring this to fruition?

Do you know what the only missing component is? The rest of you! Because you’re out there worrying and fretting and with writers block instead of being who you are.
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