Bashar: Anger, Victimhood and Attracting Information

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Bashar: Anger, Victimhood and Attracting Information

Příspěvekod Petr » stř 23. úno 2011 11:08:59

Bashar: Anger, Victimhood and Attracting Information

Q: My first question has to do with my great anger for
approximately the last couple of weeks centered towards the
organization of Est., and.

B: All right. You have not had anger toward them.

Q: I haven't?

B: You have had judgment.

Q: Okay, all right.

B: Anger, as a natural emotion, only lasts approximately 10 to 15
of your seconds, and is used for aligning yourself. When you then
judge, it continues in another form. It is not anger.

Q: Well, I was wondering why I feel as strongly as I do about this
organization and I was wondering if it is because I feel that.

B: Do you feel like you are some sort of a victim?

Q: No, because I'm never. l feel that maybe other people who have
experienced it might be victimized.

B: Oh, I see. You are taking responsibility for everyone else.

Q: Ha, ha. Well, I think that they charge too much money, and I

B: Then why are you there?

Q: Why am I there?

B: Yes. Are you still there?

Q: Where?

B: Where they charge you too much money.

Q: No I have not ever become a part of it, because.

B: Then what is your concern?

Q: Well, why do I feel so strongly that other people.?

B: Because you are taking responsibility for them, rather than
allowing their own path to be valid for them.

Q: Okay. Right, okay. And.

B: You are judging that they are not getting anything out of it --
which they are for themselves.

Q: Right. Yes.

B: . no matter what it is. Even if they only also come to the
conclusion that they are charged too much money.

Q: Okay.

B: That is what they wish to experience.

Q: Does that mean that they want to be victimized?

B: Perhaps. Perhaps not. Many of them may not feel like victims.
Many of them are getting what they need.

Q: Okay. Right, okay, yes, whatever they want to get out of it.

B: Yes. You are creating them to be victims, and so surrounding
yourself with the energy of victimhood. And that is what you are
creating as that feeling of anger.

Q: Okay. I was just wondering if it had any connection with my
project, which I would hope.

B: You would what?

Q: I know.

B: Thank you.

Q: . will benefit other people, and my idea that I want to do it at
a low cost so that as many people as possible.

B: All right. Then that is your creation, and you will attract all
the individuals that you will need.

Q: Okay, I'm very glad I'll do that.

B: You will attract all the individuals you will need -- whether it
is one or one million.

Q: Oh! Okay. And I will attract the number that I need when I
determine for myself what the number is that I need. Is that correct?

B: In a sense. It does not have to be a conscious determination. It
will be automatic. As long as you are being that idea, you will
automatically be being supported because you are being of service to
All That Is. And being a part of All That Is, you will automatically
be supporting yourself.

Q: Good.

B: All right.

Q: The other question is about this book, called The Rays and The
Initiations, by Alice Bailey. And I was wondering if there's - if I
should just keep reading it even though I really don't understand
what it's about, and.

B: 'Tis up to you. Do you feel like reading it?

Q: Well, I feel if I continue to read it, and if l reread it, maybe
a lot, I will eventually grasp the contents.

B: Then perhaps that is your method. Perhaps it is not.

Q: Oh. Well, actually I was wondering if there was something else
that I could read that would tell me what they're telling me.?

B: Why not know that you will attract to yourself what information
you need and simply allow yourself to be attracted to it. Perhaps it
will come in the form of someone handing you something. Perhaps you
will simply walk into one of your stores and walk right up to the
shelf, and see it right there in front of you and know that is it.
Allow yourself to become the ecstatic explosion of coincidence.
Right place, right time -- always.

Q: All right.

B: All the information you have attracted to yourself is exactly
what you need, at the moment. Trust that it is so, and you will see
how it is so.

AUD: May I say something?

B: Of course!

AUD: Great. I don't know how much you know about the Arcane School,
but their whole program is free. If you write to them and you let
them know; they'll take you through a total understanding of it.

Q: Who wrote this you mean?

AUD: Yes.

Q: Okay.

B: There is one idea right there.

AUD: And the whole thing is completely free. You can borrow all
their books, and it's only a dollar to borrow their tapes.

B: There you go! All you need to do is draw from the pool of
information you are constantly surrounded with -- by having the
conviction to simply make a statement: "This is what I require."
Then you will find someone who will share it with you. You follow me?

Q: Yes, I do.

B: Thank you.

Q: Thank you.

B: Sharing!
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