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All topics in 2009

Příspěvekod Petr » ned 20. pro 2009 22:34:22

Can be handy :)

4 CD/TAPE Album, San Diego, CA 1/10/09
7:43 You can always change your vibrational pattern. 5:45 Are you vibrationally defiant of your desires? 5:00 Is there someone you’re supposed to hate? 7:00 Law of Attraction sorts in your vortex. 6:00 Your contrast evokes your valuable new ideas. 12:00 Why weren’t these teachings presented much earlier? 5:00 During long meditations, he receives facial sensations. 8:40 How can he receive information from Source? 5:43 Will he still be “he” in Nonphysical? 7:00 She decided to stabilize the Middle East.
6:30 We came intending to be of value 4:16 Have you learned that words don’t teach? 2:10 Some signs of “being in the vortex”? (The following two segments were moved here from CD 4 because the sound file was too long for the CD because Abraham went overtime.) 6:17 Understanding the economy as a mass event?) 8:00 Why does almost everyone seem to decline? 5:00 To understand and beneficially use her dreams? 6:35 Your daily Vibrations create your nightly dreams. 6:00 Your dreams are indicators of your Vibrations. 2:00 She thought of her sick friend’s wellness. 11:43 Could science explain the “Teachings of Abraham”? 5:00 “Baseball guy’s” good season brought contrast, too. 2:00 Would Abraham create a CD for athletes?
5:00 Does Abraham see digital codes as significant? 6:40 Could desire for inheritance hasten parent’s deaths? 8:12 Your relationships are a reflection of you. 5:00 Have you been working at being happy? 11:31 Her Sweetheart wanted out of her vortex. 24:43 What’s holding back his (unemployed) abundance?
11:33 What is it that makes you happy? 11:48 If she’s happy could she hurt herself? 7:44 Cyclist wants to reform her malformed body. 8:36 Is veterinarian taking expansion action too soon? 4:48 A question about the scientific “String Theory”. 5:50 Life is joyous when in the vortex. 3:41 She got a glimpse of her desire. 8:00 Abraham closes the January San Diego Workshop.

Mexico Well-Being Cruise 2-7-09


Cruise CD1 — Problems are different vibrations than the solutions. Let’s talk about the Vortex of Creation. Your unwanted helps you know your wanted. Step Three, as reaching for your alignment? Crisis interventionist is having issues at work. He was told “You can heal cancer.”

Cruise CD2 — President Obama wants to empower each individual. His step-son wants to be (football) taller. Musicians want to feature their original compositions. She wants to feel love for herself. Can chemicals change our perspectives on life?

Cruise CD3 — To inspire noncommunicative daughter into her Vortex. Is therapist, in the Vortex, “denying reality”?

Cruise CD4 — To resolve problems formed with his parents? How can he create some affirmations momentum? Does Nonphysical ever add to negative momentum? Thoughts of childhood trauma deaden her focus. To coax psychotic thoughts back to center? Are friends’ deaths relative to her experience? Do animals hold on to past traumas? Abraham closes the Sunday Mexican Cruise workshop.

Cruise CD5 — She’s challenged by her challenged son’s environment. She wants to understand the koncept of karma. Her “diminished capacity” son is happy anyway. Your true control is in your alignment. Militarily taking others lives still haunts him.

Cruise CD6 — When feeling high, he experiences “Divine Timing.” Ideas of positive evolution will eventually manifest. Why doesn’t Abraham ever laugh or sing? Some Abraham words to help one sleep? Abraham gives answers to now questions. He wants the secure feeling of Abraham. To “leave bread crumbs” for next life? Entrepreneur wants to soothe the business community.

Cruise CD7 — How does Abraham answer our singular questions? Is there a hierarchy of trees to leaves? Beliefs, and our levels of unwanted contrast? Our Vibrational Frequencies relative to our Vortices? When uncertain about taking the next step? Dreams, as just manifestations of our thoughts? Death, as Superconciousness, not as losing Consciousness? Why does the Universe seem so large? Overwhelment, defined as one’s attention to shortage.

Cruise CD8 — It’s not about action, it’s about alignment. Wife’s asking “When will we make it?” What if the frog in the pond croaked? Will Abraham’s teachings become commonly practiced? Teacher desires to help a struggling student. She attended Barack Obama’s harmonious Presidential Inauguration. First, make peace with where you are. Abraham closes the Monday Mexican Cruise Workshop.

Cruise CD9 — What if he doesn't’ feel emotional indicators? How does feeling contented relate to joyousness? Is “contentment” in the vortex, or out? Why would one meditate during a Workshop? Musician found the woman of his dreams. What’s he doing that’s working so well? Mental health advice for obsessive disorder patients?

Cruise CD10 — How will he decide next life intents? Physician treats teenagers who are threatening suicide. What would Buddha advise these suicidal teens? How could doctor advise suicidal teenager’s parents? Why are so many octogenarians committing suicide? Did mentally challenged son choose his mother? What will her “perfect alignment” feel like? Can Abraham help resolve Parkinson’s disease concerns? (Cont’d)

Cruise CD11 — (Cont’d) Can Abraham help resolve Parkinson’s disease concerns? What to do to “find her passion”? The Vortex, as same as Vibrational Reality? Do we attract negatives for positive expansion? Does Abraham find us, or we them? How many Beings comprise the Abraham Entity? She resents negative focus on female bodies. Get out your Focus Wheel every day. Abraham closes the Mexican Rivera Cruise Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, San Rafael, CA 3/14/09
10:12 Why would you come into physical form? 9:50 Was schemer Bernic Madoff in the Vortex? 6:00 Do we help by thriving in public? 9:51 The Law of Attraction manages your Vortex. 13:24 Could a cell refuse to expand itself? 14:32 To Focus Wheel out of his depression?
11:00 An observation regarding appropriateness of certain foods. 9:00 Butt, three year old thinks it’s funny. 2:12 Why does she enjoy high-minded conversation? 14:53 An economist has a discussion with Abraham. 12:04 To better understand the Madoff “Ponzi scheme”?
7:31 Your Vortex, as a trouble-free zone. 13:18 What she wants is not yet here. 5:35 Everything’s irrelevant to being in the Vortex. 6:05 What’s up with pregnant mother’s unborn baby? 8:35 She has meditation tools in her bag. 9:52 Any relationship between posture, breathing and health? 4:05 When are our ideas ready for actions? 8:17 Since pregnancy she has become more empathetic.
13:00 12 years playing minor leagues, now what? 6:34 Her husband transitioned; she wants another mate. 15:18 Focus Wheeling around an unwanted physical condition? 11:43 Are you working too hard on yourself? 1:00 Abraham closes the San Rafael Saturday Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, San Rafael, CA 3/15/09
6:00 Law of Attraction responds to your Source. 5:46 But, if others don’t agree with you? 8:30 Whatever anyone ever asks for is given. 7:30 You can’t criticize successes and achieve success. 2:00 The Art of Allowing one’s natural Well-Being. 19:32 Getting into the Vortex with her lover? 10:28 She left her husband to achieve happiness.
17:17 To get into the Vortex with money? 12:17 Is Abraham advised by some older Soul? 6:50 When visiting one’s family Vortex feels uncomfortable? 4:06 How can she help her hospitalized sister? 10:22 Is there not a power in symbols?
14:00 Can husband influence wife into sexual desire? 3:14 Can one be loving without being caring? 7:00 Why does he prefer napping to sleeping? 4:00 Is creativity enhanced or inhibited by drugs? 7:00 Are we just puppets being manipulated by Nonphysical? 14:19 Are we being sacrificed to Eternal Expansion? 8:26 She doesn’t want to have to work.
22:37 Author’s concept of age and physical health? 10:18 He wants to feel better than contented. 1:51 To be conscious of realignment while asleep? 3:34 When cruising her Harley, she feels alive. 4:46 She is still suffering her dog’s death. 15:61 What can actor do to stay aligned? 3:00 Abraham closes the San Rafael Sunday Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, San Francisco, CA 3/21/09
8:32 The Universe expands by Law of Attraction. 8:00 Your Vibrational frequency is yours to set. 7:04 This is what “attention to” gets you. 11:26 How often are you in your Vortex? 7:37 Have ETs a role in our growth? 5:00 To better understand his experience during meditation? 12:00 Son sometimes refuses to cooperate with Mom.
5:40 These lovers met on our Mexican Cruise. 6:42 Do two have more creative power than one? 4:12 What’s the difference in “vision” and “delusion”? 2:45 Abraham offers couple a “Vortex” marriage vow. 20:27 Where is “irritation” on the Emotional Scale? 18:35 He wants to return to his Vortex.
20:50 He spiraled back out of his Vortex? 14:34 To Focus Wheel away his workplace discomfort? 13:29 He’s not sure he still wants wanted. 13:40 Are you answering questions that aren’t asked?
9:45 He wants to turn discomfort around sooner. 15:45 He really loves her, but they argue. 7:10 A question about losing someone to death. 4:00 You all know you will all die. 5:17 If a healthy four-year-old dies? 4:00 But, there’s sadness around his mother’s death. 5:00 She intends a resistance-free, pain-free childbirth. 11:47 Can her prayers be healing another person? 1:08 Abraham closes the San Francisco CA Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, San Francisco, CA 3/22/09
9:00 When conscious, you are constantly pondering something. 6:40 Are you feeling good, or feeling irritated? 11:00 Your Source has an opinion about everything. 3:10 He wants to know where Abraham’s headed. 9:00 If non-thrivers are jealous of thrivers? 7:11 How do Counterparts relate to Soul Mates? 6:10 What about molesters, murderers and worldwide conflicts? 5:19 How relevant are politics to our Well-Being? 2:40 He recycles trash properly, but neighbor doesn’t.
2:18 Relating the “Vortex” to our “Vibrational Escrow.” 10:10 What if his actions led to unwanted? 3:42 Isn’t his pain a form of contrast? 6:08 Leverage your action with aligned Energy. 22:00 His awesome girlfriend is now wanting more 5:53 Her body went out of alignment, also. (Cont’d)
(Cont’d) 32:50 Her body went out of alignment, also. 15:50 He received a “message from the Universe.” 13:36 Interest-free mortgage is threatening her home.
17:04 Interest-free mortgage has threatened her home. 14:64 She’s an Energy practitioner who works with horses. 16:11 Vibrational marketing and the Law of Attraction? 13:24 Law of Attraction and praying for recovery? 1:00 Abraham closes the San Francisco CA Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Los Angeles, CA 3/28/09
14:46 Earth’s variety offers a myriad of choices. 12:00 Your life will cause you to expand. 6:50 You will always want to explore contrast. 5:00 To “Focus Wheel” yourself into your Vortex. 23:04 She’s happy, but why is she here?
16:52 You can control your financial abundance story. 8:50 Jobs and wellness are in his Vortex. 12:42 He’s not creatively aligned with his partner. 7:23 How can businessman inspire his sales team?
6:43 Can she stay longer in her Vortex? 8:55 You didn’t come for a feathered Vortex. 18:43 Can a healing Vibrational frequency be measured? 28:44 She has long wanted a love relationship.
9:30 He has a question about intuitive guidance. 12:01 He’s been speculating about potential sub-personalities. 3:00 Are the seven stages of grieving necessary? 6:28 Is there any value in human suffering? 8:44 Most humans are not in the Vortex. 11:37 Author doesn’t want to be bossed around. 2:23 She’s writing about the Law of Attraction. 3:00 Can she be spiritual and, wealthy, too? 5:71 Abraham closes the Los Angeles Saturday Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Los Angeles, CA 3/29/09
6:20 Even without using words, you are asking. 6:43 Spiritual or material, it’s in the flow. 6:21 Each new generation has less resistance. 7:15 In, or out, of Vortex—your choice. 3:30 Authors, Artists, musicians, as in the Vortex. 4:44 Buckle up your belts, and let’s go! 6:40 What’s the power in prayers for others? 18:33 Her mate’s weighing and smoking too much.
5:37 How Abraham defines the experience of enlightenment. 12:39 Is contentment causing his creations to trickle? 15:00 If logic introduces doubt to your desires? 19:28 Potty and dessert training a three-year-old.
3:27 When good things happen, she cries. 9:06 Reincarnation, and unasked for Nonphysical communication? 8:41 He knows when he will be called. 10:59 He wants to fine-tune his creative ability. 3:26 When he notices a discrepancy in evolution? 8:03 He’s now enjoying giving more than receiving. 7:06 He’s excited about Abraham's Prosperity Game Process. 12:04 Is his ego getting in his way?
13:12 He wants to become beautiful, or die. 5:00 Is there a predetermined time to die? 5:10 He doesn’t feel good in casual society. 10:25 Novel writer hasn’t found a literary agent. 7:39 Mother and daughter shared a paranormal experience. 7:15 Are her fears keeping her from flying? 11:00 After putting her dog down, she’s sad. 1:00 Abraham closes the Los Angeles Sunday Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Phoenix, AZ 4/4/09
9:43 Your ideas for improvement are of value. 12:21 It’s natural to be in your Vortex. 20:00 Your Vortex keeps moving to better places. 8:00 What is Abraham’s “deepest” story of all? 6:00 To uplift self as he does others? 6:00 This time as a “stable creative platform”?
8:30 Why do frowny faces bother her spirit? 4:48 Do angels factor in Law of Attraction? 3:16 How and why was Abraham called Abraham? 4:13 What do we experience when we croak? 23:30 A happy ending to this filmmaker's Focus Wheel?
20:00 She has just received a disturbing diagnosis. 16:06 To do what he came to do? 11:47 She was feeling inappropriate about her finances. 7:10 He’s burning his candle at both ends. 4:44 To have more out-of-body experiences?
7:17 Problem solving is leaving him feeling overwhelmed. 3:06 Should he now resolve his past relationship? 16:00 When finding a consensus between “multiple personalities”? 7:15 After an argument with his girl friend? 4:38 How do we get into the Vortex? 7:12 Is Abraham like a Universal spider plant? 3:50 She’s been having some unusual meditation sessions. 15:00 How about Focus Wheeling down his weight? 2:36 Abraham closes the Phoenix Arizona Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Albuquerque, NM 4/7/09
11:27 When is it pleasing to feel desire? 5:20 Has your Vibrational Vortex spit you out? 8:42 Your Vibrational range is up to you. 7:42 Can you make peace with your Vortex? 10:30 She’s been trying to sort out everything. 20:24 Our best government is yet to come.
19:28 Received desired congregation, but not favorite location. 18:00 Artist wants to switch to writing books. 6:25 But, if he can’t repay his loans?
16:44 Outstanding loans cost him his Vortex. 2:11 Do all have access to Christ Consciousness? 13:58 Are beliefs the roots of our experiences? 4:35 So, what influences us to take action? 13:36 He still fears the critical opinion of others. 9:41 A Prime Minister photo op without time boundaries?
16:05 To bypass headache on way to Vortex? 20:44 Her family of origin vs. the Vortex? 5:50 Did cat die to alleviate Mom’s depression? 15:16 Her relationship issue has challenged her. 3:02 Abraham closes the Albuquerque NM workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, San Antonio, TX 4/18/09
9:22 You came forth to explore the contrast. 4:04 Compatible components are assembled in the Vortex. 4:00 When aligned, the Vortex brings you in. 5:00 What being in the Vortex feels like. 2:00 Source will always remain in your Vortex. 24:44 Life is good, but her teenage son...? 10:30 Is son’s pain causing Mom’s back pain?
3:08 Psychologist has questions about her worthiness. 10:52 This doesn’t work unless you work it. 14:10 Did movie maker take action too soon? 2:20 Has a caffeine problem she can’t break. 3:22 Can we be focused in multiple bodies? 1:09 Will he instantly reemerge back into physical? 1:00 Will he return to a different vocation? 5:29 He has a question about Parallel Universes. 7:36 How can he communicate with Nonphysical teacher? 3:18 Life’s good, but he still has questions.
23:19 He’s focusing more on feelings than action. 17:55 He has been vacillating between deciding options. 17:37 Should he be doing more protective stuff? 6:00 She is new to the Vortex concept.
15:02 His spiritual bosses haven’t seemed very ethical. 12:34 Are all politics out of the Vortex? 3:42 This healer wants to heal more people. 8:35 How can he connect with his Inner Being? 3:26 Is his scheduled vasectomy a good idea? 7:08 His daughter is asking about the devil. 2:00 What’s salesman’s job regarding client’s Vortex? 4:00 Abraham closes the San Antonio TX Workshop.

Tahiti Well-Being Cruise 5/2/09


Cruise CD1 — Getting into the Vortex is our work. It’s time to mind my own business. He wants others to join his Energy. She wants to get past feeling fearful. Her non-profit is burdened by the bureaucracy. Why did wrong job opportunity feel right?

Cruise CD2 — Surfing Tahiti waves will never feel boring. Your Vortex of Creation never stops moving. Surfer Focus Wheels his individual- global economy. Were his previous lifetimes satisfying as this? Feels speck of fear regarding airplane race. Adult son is now sober and repentant.

Cruise CD3 — He wants help from his Spiritual Guide. What’s the name of his Spiritual Guide? Can his discontent make the world happier? She wants to mount the Abundance Wheel. Academician wants to author a popular book. To not help the child too much? He’s authored a book about Energetic Orbs.

Cruise CD4 — She has an amazing pre-teen defiant son. When co- parenting conflicts with grounded son’s desires! If family is outside of their Vortex? Daddy, why are there poor/sick people? Are medical side-effects out of the Vortex?

Cruise CD5 — Do you want life to feel good? She wants her Vortex to stop moving. Did she create, or sense the accident? Nostradamus, in or out of the Vortex? How could his happy dog get hives?

Cruise CD6 — When markets were rising she felt creative. Focus on the positive aspects of what-is. He fears a body flaw blind spot. The feeling of pure desire being fulfilled?

Cruise CD7 — Must she find alignment with fellow workers? She maintains contact with past Nonphysical relationships. A documentary of African continent’s positive aspects?

Cruise CD8 — You didn’t come for a feathered Vortex. He enjoys striving for these luxury cruises. Would Vibrational cancer cure deter human empowerment? Why are “trite” issues harder to resolve? Would deliberately feeling good attract her lover?

Cruise CD9 — Is her twin sister her Soul Mate? The Tahiti cruise set new personal standards. What is her Zulu Bear to Abraham? Do her children in England miss her? They conducted a prayer circle for children. Can physical desires conflict with Non-physical intentions?

Cruise CD10 — Why wasn't he born a ukulele prodigy? Was Beethoven’s genius a pre-birth intention? How can she best use her poetry? “Why did my mother give me away?” Comforting feels good; being comforted feels uncomfortable? Abraham closes the Tahitian cruise workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Boca Raton, FL 5/20/09
4:00 Do you appreciate your desire-building contrast? 10:00 Your “Vibrational Reality” contains your financial future. 7:00 Do you care about how you feel? 31:15 If conversations with others turn toward lack? 4:11 Did he waste his early “knowing” years?
7:08 Could positive morning attract a negative afternoon. 4:16 What can he accomplish in 30 days? 7:26 Contrast gives us choices to choose from. 19:44 Shouldn’t we try to heal our past? 13:14 If “following ones bliss” hurts other people?
38:52 Her son has recently suicided; now what? 17:00 She wants to trust more, especially men. 8:40 An example of being in alignment?
21:41 Why couldn’t there have once been nothing? 10:00 Shouldn’t those who kill receive “karmic” retribution? 11:40 Source Energy is not a punishing Energy. 8:12 His butterflies manifestations help him to trust. 9:08 Can he hear an “Abraham” without Esther? 4:00 Abraham closes the Boca Raton Florida workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Asheville, NC 5/29/09
7:40 You have two separate Vibrations going on. 5:30 Within your Vortex, you are creating your essences. 2:30 Your problems are outside of your Vortex. 10:03 She has created some desire-producing contrast. 13:50 To better understand Abraham’s “Vortex of Creation”? 13:31 He’s an unhealthy, recovering, help-seeking addict. 7:18 She has some very big (unfulfilled) dreams.
13:27 Her “life-long” relationship is bothering her. 1:20 A question regarding Abraham’s “Vortex, Relationship” book. 7:53 Why doesn’t Abraham speak of having faith? 19:20 He suffers feelings of anxiety regarding finances. 7:12 What are her breathtaking allergies indicators of?
4:09 Is it true that anyone can “channel”? 10:04 Being overweight, as a symptom of overwhelment? 12:05 She has an interest in conspiracy theories. 10:26 Her clutter is leading to more clutter. 9:06 She wants relief from her stomach aches. 4:26 Must other beliefs influence her teleporting ability? 11:10 Can she fly while within her body?
23:14 She thought she could handle her parents. 7:50 Business owner feels responsibility for staff’s lives. 3:12 How can she consciously raise her Vibration? 4:00 Is she part of a Soul Family? 6:07 To feel his way into his Vortex? 11:11 It feels sweet when he gets it. 4:23 When your other part uses your body? 2:00 Is no thought easier than positive thought? 4:30 How to manifest promoters of his book? 5:00 Recently lost his dad, cat and girlfriend. 2:14 Abraham closes the Asheville, NC Friday workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Asheville, NC 5/30/09
8:20 Does hearing about new perspectives feel uncomfortable? 8:36 Don’t wants always clarify your do wants. 4:30 Your Earth was first a Vibrational Reality. 1:25 The larger part of you lives in joy. 37:05 He didn’t intend to divorce his children.
13:36 If one argues with their Inner Being? 7:48 He equates Abraham’s Teachings with Seth Material. 13:02 Did he contract this ongoing rough relationship? 6:04 How can every relationship be “Eternal”? 10:43 Is his wallowing in negativity damaging him? 2:31 Why is Abraham focused on Focus Wheels?
4:48 How to daily maintain his authentic self? 17:52 His marriage ended in divorce and disease. 16:30 Some words for Mom regarding Dad’s Alzheimer’s? 4:36 Do problem-solving actions cause more problems. 7:43 After years of involuntary incarceration he discovered Abraham. 10:06 It is difficult to please his family.
3:17 Abraham’s opinion of her Stock Market positions? 8:12 Ex-husband loves—but hasn’t remarried—her. 4:08 Assisting an errant teen (divorced) step-daughter? 10:49 Feels secure living in New York City? 7:40 Avoiding dentist by gluing her temporary crowns? 3:45 At what point should she take action? 10:13 Her talent was more focus than memory. 3:17 He wants to better acknowledge his appreciation. 1:50 A Sara book for Junior High grand children? 6:30 To reach for another level of joy? 5:00 Abraham closes the Asheville NC Saturday Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Orlando, FL 5/23/09
6:10 When you believe them, desires feel good. 7:00 You are more than you can see. 7:00 To have confidence in Law of Attraction? 5:00 Can you be coaxed into your Vortex? 5:00 He knew Abraham would call him again. 8:20 To play his way to Lottery winnings? 16:10 A Focus Wheel into his financial Vortex? 12:48 It is not his desire to work.
22:00 Family man dreams of becoming an actor. 11:10 His daughter is wanting to teach history. 15:05 After son’s suicide she senses uncomfortable presences.
7:58 How can he feel energized all day? 17:58 Why do successful ones seem so ornery? 8:15 She feels so joyously connected to Jesus. 8:00 She “nails” Abraham on the Karma Koncept. 11:20 A superior education for her young daughter? 4:26 Sometimes she’s confused abut her own desires. 6:18 Does your abundance make you feel guilty?
13:05 He is wanting to replace fossil fuels. 12:00 He wants to discuss the “R” word. 4:20 Could taking a nap fix his relationship? 4:00 Wants to talk about future child’s future. 14:10 Is there value in discussing past unwanted issues? 7:07 Must that “unwanted shoe” eventually fall? 5:30 Did childhood sexual abuse cause patient’s alcoholism? 2:45 Abraham closes the Orlando Florida workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Asheville, NC 5/31/09
9:00 Want it; believe it, and it is. 8:15 Emotions are indicators of who you’ve become. 9:00 What’s the common denominator in your relationships? 11:54 He wants to talk about his “worthiness.” 10:30 Are unconscious beliefs affecting real estate developer? 9:15 Why did tall she marry short he?
3:52 She sometimes feels like two people. 3:50 Can a Vortex expand without some contrast? 7:57 He sees himself as a financial conservative. 14:29 What if he ruled the (political) world? 6:18 Are they doing the best they can? 12:32 Can he love contrast without the manifestations? 10:38 She’s ready to change her limiting patterns.
15:26 Her aging, ailing mother and chocolate cravings? 31:30 Her elderly mother wants to move in. 12:10 What is it with male pattern baldness?
17:50 Differentiating his conscious thinking mind from inspiration? 6:50 Six-year-old son wants weight loss. 13:00 Would Segment Intending help this researcher succeed? 1:30 Can Esther read emails in her Vortex? 6:41 Therapist wants to help non-speaking children align. 4:47 He has income desires, dates, and doubts. 9:36 Retired teacher wants to teach other teachers. 2:20 Abraham closes the Asheville NC Sunday workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Washington, DC 6/6/09
8:48 Have you been trained into your expectations? 7:42 Can problems be solved within your Vortex? 8:04 How could we repeat a first-time experience? 5:15 Do you really want to feel good? 7:00 Were you up to speed with contentment? 26:15 He had a chronic ongoing health condition.
10:00 She’s working her way back to Well-Being. 9:34 You don’t need to explain to anyone. 10:35 This author’s pseudo subject did go crazy. 28:10 Her brother isn’t repaying their father’s loan.
8:00 He wants to dialog with his Source. 5:30 Aspiring actress wants to escape to Hollywood. 18:03 She dislikes, but son loves, children’s father. 7:34 When doing what one believes is inappropriate? 24:36 What resistance is her diabetes evidence of?
6:00 Who was the presence in childhood bedroom? 14:53 Newly single mom has some financial concerns. 8:16 Negatives are perceived differently in the Vortex. 21:22 Can Abraham help her sell their house? 3:00 What’s up with his seasonable allergies? 10:51 Is something bad in the Vortex, “bad”? 1:24 Abraham closes the Washington, DC Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Philadelphia, PA 6/11/09
5:24 Are you enjoying your new, unfulfilled, desires? 4:00 Physically—and nonphysically—you prepare your future. 11:33 When making monuments to bad-feeling happenings? 4:37 You did not come forth to suffer. 7:40 She has a question about food addictions. 10:13 Let’s do an “always overweight” Focus Wheel. 18:46 Abraham does a Focus Wheel on “overwhelment.”
29:20 Must lover suffer when replaced by another? 17:22 To feel worthy of communicating with Source? 16:03 Thought Forms seemed to have domineered him.
24:20 Has this handy man become a pack rat? 30:26 To be a writer and public speaker? 4:50 Her question is about past lover’s forgiveness. (Cont’d)
(Cont’d) 12:21 Her question is about past lover’s forgiveness. 14:00 Are health and lovers in her Vortex? 3:26 Life is about getting into your Vortex. 7:36 Your home is where your Vibration is. 7:53 The Vibrational world is your true home. 8:47 She teaches the Focus Wheel to groups. 7:00 Not all “die peacefully” in their sleep. 2:14 Abraham closes the Philadelphia PA Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Stamford, CT 6/13/09
10:17 Have you learned to enjoy life’s contrast? 10:00 Your world’s about you agreeing with you. 12:30 You can focus yourself into ecstatic experiences. 5:38 What is the essence of our Beingness. 6:48 Government paperwork hinders caring for his clients. 17:50 Let’s Focus Wheel the essence of wanted.
6:52 Would relationships negate her professional daughters’ independence? 1:00 Enjoys Ask and It Is Given Processes. 9:16 Lonely thinking makes her tired and sick. 22:00 Can he stay young and vital forever? 18:10 He feels that he’s meant for more.
8:30 Jerry and Esther’s harrowing traffic experience. 17:38 She wants some movement on her issue. 19:60 Insensitivity to emotions as sensitivity to foods? 8:20 Comparing The Vortex to The Stream analogies? 9:42 To understand the essence of Well-Being?
2:00 How to be “joyous” around normal people? 1:28 He’s able to help “at risk” youths. 2:00 Why does his Vortex feel somewhat sexual? 11:42 Abraham’s definition of inspiration, revelation, consciousness & evolution? 6:10 Your most dependable guidance is within you. 4:25 Her patients now match her broader intentions. 4:45 Can physician’s belief dominate a patient’s belief? 1:58 Grace, as building bridges to the Vortex. 7:19 Her humility won’t let her accept herself. 14:42 Bipolar and Manic-depressions are creators also. 5:46 Abraham closes the Saturday Stamford CT workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Stamford, CT 6/14/09
10:32 Contrast is essential to your creation process. 7:24 All reality is interpreted thru your perspectives. 4:38 Babies know the goodness of this world. 8:32 From inside the Vortex, things look different. 22:20 For years, he has had trouble sleeping. 13:21 Let’s Focus Wheel away his sleep-disturbing dreams.
12:26 Sometimes he doesn’t consciously feel his feelings. 8:36 He wants to stop controlling his children. 5:00 What’s the center of your Focus Wheel? 2:11 But her desires are opposing his desires. 5:26 Financially, he always has only just enough. 9:28 She wants her right hand’s vitality restored. 10:38 The doubt she feels indicate contradictory thoughts.
12:13 There’s fun in finding a better way. 17:00 Is he letting himself be a little lazy? 8:00 Follow your impulses down your life’s highway. 6:01 When he feels unworthy of wanting more? 2:17 Can he access Abraham without a Workshop? 2:42 Her acting story is doing really well. 12:30 This mother is experiencing morning preschool tension. 2:48 Don’t get concerned about leaving the Vortex. 4:78 Isn’t making more than spending an imbalance?
33:11 She feels like she’s moving through jello. 10:00 She’s inherited a house full of binding memories. 9:50 To eat your way into the Vortex. 2:40 What’s the current status of Earth’s changes? 7:00 Abraham closes the Stamford CT Sunday Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Boston, MA 6/20/09
10:00 What’s your expectation regarding your unfulfilled manifestations? 4:00 Who is the trainer of your expectations? 6:00 Are you allowing yourself to be you? 3:43 Are you ready to enter your Vortex? 7:41 Does his rationalization limit his business growth? 11:00 Our Vibrations are where we left them. 8:00 He attended a thought-provoking family reunion. 10:40 Why did multiple sclerosis make her angry?
7:03 Is there a timing of Universal expansion? 8:11 Life, animals, and his delicious unconditional love. 21:05 Can Abraham Focus Wheel his pocket of resistance? 18:18 Her husband's croaking brought new perspectives.
20:16 Her ex-relationships blips became unbearable bleeps. 12:00 You have all the say in your relationship. 9:25 Tell your story as you want it. 8:30 Is a beautiful blonde waiting for her? 5:00 She is concerned about Polar bears vs. dinosaurs? 2:00 Where does Consciousness go when he sleeps? 1:30 Are our dreams messages from our subconscious?
18:26 To find alignment with daughter's chest surgery? 7:36 He gives up being a control freak. 18:33 Frustrated attorney is ready to move on. 13:32 What does attorney’s Vortex feel like? 1:00 Abraham closes the Boston MA Saturday Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Boston, MA 6/21/09
9:42 When practicing a chronic fear of shortage? 3:36 Contrasts of life cause you to expand. 8:54 The Vibrational manifestation precedes the physical manifestation. 5:20 She wants help getting into her Vortex. 7:00 Any battle is a battle against yourself. 5:38 Does he have his BMW, or not? 21:18 She wants guidance with a Focus Wheel.
10:30 She tends to balk at new opportunities. 17:20 Her drug-addicted son isn’t supporting himself. 12:50 Having a lottery hallucination vs. a reality? 15:00 Should nurse change to alternative healing work?
5:24 What is Abraham’s definition of a healer? 2:24 Vortex spits you out into better places. 10:04 What is stuck in his Vibrational craw? 8:28 From cancer’s remission to frightening false alarm. 3:20 A baby bird crashed into his windshield. 7:00 To deal with a lawsuit against him? 8:00 Dreams, as manifestations of your daytime thoughts. 7:21 Do teaching dreams mean he’ll teach again? 4:00 Abraham differentiates between ones wanting and yearning. 3:50 Why do roller-coasters make him turn green? 3:00 We can’t see “truths” beyond our beliefs.
3:20 He questions some historical events of Jesus. 5:00 The power of vocabulary, Spanish or Math. 3:40 Childhood fears of world’s end have faded. 2:20 The only “hell” that exists is self-imposed. 8:00 When seeking vengeance to escape powerlessness? 7:30 How could we be “Eternal” without individuality? 7:42 How Abraham came to Jerry and Esther. 9:18 He tries to act only when inspired. 8:30 This coach is a teacher of teachers. 3:42 How could she consciously actually become invisible? 1:50 Abraham closes the Sunday Boston MA Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Chicago, IL 6/27/09
7:30 Every subject contains both wanted and unwanted. 6:30 Knowing don’t wants clarifies our do wants. 6:48 You create your own point of attraction. 6:32 Expect to hear your questions answered here. 15:40 Audiologist wants to understand patients’ ringing ears. 5:00 Why did audiologist choose her stressful career? 10:00 How could “pure Beings” cause others pain? 7:40 Are dead criminals still involved in crimes?
5:35 She wants her guidance to be keener. 6:45 Her dreams have become more instructional. 15:37 Abraham Focus Wheels garden designer’s creative intents. 17:23 His chronic financial pattern is feeling uncomfortable. 7:30 Does little teacher Jeff flow Big Jeff?
14:00 Ready for a nice way to die? 4:00 A loving cherub touched his sleeping face. 3:00 Was he expecting his hair to depart? 9:18 Is it possible to always stay high? 4:48 He wants to help those like himself. 2:00 How can he contact his Spiritual Guide? 5:10 Abraham clarifies use of the term Vibration. 3:00 If he thought positive but felt doubt? 4:35 She has a question about her P.M.S. 2:40 First impressions can never be emotionally repeated. 7:43 Why Abraham wants us in the  Vortex.
4:30 He has been receiving information regarding hearts. 9:37 Thoughts of discord will attract more discord. 9:20 She’s suffering a child’s medical suffering. 3:01 Do we use words in the Vortex? 6:06 She has a question about experiencing fear. 2:21 She felt an emotion of magical expectancy. 6:40 Is our need for sleep somewhat overrated? 7:00 He likes driving faster than laws allow. 5:00 Releasing personal gas in public feels uncomfortable. 6:00 Is there a hangover in party goer’s Vortex? 3:22 She’s five month’s pregnant and life’s uncomfortable. 3:00 Must prebirth baby feel mother’s uncomfortable emotions? 2:00 Abraham closes the Chicago IL Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Denver, CO 7/4/09
6:00 Are you a match to your desires? 6:00 You have two vivid vibrational vantage points. 7:00 The Universe is managed by Law of Attraction. 9:19 Your Source knows who you really are. 4:00 Your emotions are your very important Guidance System. 9:10 Are homo sapiens still evolving positively forward? 8:04 What’s up with the “Global Warming” concept? 11:50 A medical profession rampage of appreciation.
8:00 Does nurse’s happiness indicate future signed contracts? 13:99 To market health supplements without pushing against? 3:08 Can our animals come back as people? 8:23 Must traumas be inherited by third generation? 8:16 To stay up when PMS cycle is down?
5:22 Can Abraham peer into our future experience? 10:00 Does Abraham have recall of their past physicality? 13:31 How can he overcome his intellectual focus? 2:44 Are all her perceptions of her past? 7:09 Must her loving marriage drag her down? 4:49 Could Indian mystic have predicted her future? 16:37 He’s been vacillating between hope and belief.
2:00 Does appreciation have more power than gratitude? 1:24 To shift from left brain to right? 3:17 Why is Abraham still working with us? 37:00 What’s the unidentified vibration of her psoriasis? 3:00 Jerry’s prickly goose bumps fine-tune his Guidance. 10:40 Why are they talking in their sleep? 8:54 Your life is supposed to feel good. 1:18 Abraham closes the Denver CO Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Portland, OR 7/14/09
6:00 You were Nonphysical before you were physical. 8:46 Are you compatible with your Creative Vortex? 8:30 What if the Vortex spits you out? 38:00 At 66, she’s had 20 uncomfortable years.
26:06 If he surprise-visits his estranged son? 7:00 How would Abraham define the term, thought? 4:00 Why is there “no crowd on the leading-edge”? 7:54 She’s been reading about in-between lives. 4:40 To differentiate between ego and Inner Being?
7:36 To differentiate between ego and Inner Being? 7:22 Could seeing positive aspects attract unvortex people? 7:10 Does Esther Focus Wheel something every day? 4:00 In the Vortex, can he make requests? 2:00 What to do when awaiting producer’s decision? 1:20 What’s the answer to his unvoiced question? 9:41 The best way to avoid editing changes? 3:10 How to best resist her envisioned desires? 13:35 He came, he loved and he left.
2:38 She wants to manifest a global vision. 6:23 To feel invincible again, about his health. 9:22 Can we be both individual and united? 20:00 Isn’t financial well-being part of his purpose? 0:30 Abraham closes the Portland OR Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, San Rafael, CA 8/1/09
7:13 Is there something you really want—but? 7:40 You are the creator of your Vortex. 8:08 What are you a cooperative component to? 9:14 You can tune yourself into the Vortex. 3:50 Are you paying attention to your emotions? 22:21 Is he communicating with his Inner Being? 7:39 Can he utilize his Inner Being for counselling?
28:09 He has a problem with holding grudges. 12:13 To continue relationship with deceased wife?
24:17 She wants to control her embarrassing snoring. 16:40 He’s on an anti-suicide psychotic drug. 16:00 Some Processes to reenter the Vortex? 9:18 Money, and the Law of Attraction Cards?
11:15 He’s hung up on the Spirituality concept. 7:50 How can she teach without a degree? 2:30 Her church frowns on the term, Energy. 3:05 Are there undiscovered Laws of the Universe? 5:15 How can she spontaneously heal others instantly? 10:06 During conversations, she loses her focused thought. 7:10 She had a magical post-meditation experience. 16:36 Why are some desires harder to manifest? 1:14 Abraham closes the San Rafael CA Saturday Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Seattle, WA 7/12/09
11:44 Your desires can be life-giving for you. 9:52 Whose responsibility is Esther’s and Jerry’s purse? 4:27 Recognizing the cooperative components to your desire. 6:23 You really do create your own reality. 35:06 Actress wants back into her joyous Vortex.
12:37 Could deceased dog reincarnate in another Being? 14:20 Health conscious Mom vs. “Joy of Candy”? 8:44 If their 6 y.o. daughter wants to fly? 13:00 Medical student hears ringing in her ears.
20:08 When perceiving man-made laws as illusions? 3:47 What if he died “believing” in hell? 1:00 He wants to know Abraham’s favorite dance? 15:05 Abraham’s meaning by “who-we-really-are”? 18:03 Job-search balance between action and allowing?
13:66 Our Earth’s response to collective vibrational energy? 12:12 He desires to help others find alignment. 8:00 He feels he’s been a lazy slacker. 9:00 He has considered the Law of Attraction. 1:26 Every death could be called a suicide. 14:04 Actor finds Abraham’s work is work. 4:26 Abraham closes the Seattle WA workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, San Rafael, CA 8/2/09
8:35 Your Vortex of Creation is awaiting you. 9:00 Are you allowing your blending with You? 7:40 You can’t ask others for your Well-Being.. 5:20 You don’t really want instant manifestations. 22:30 Source sees no lack in physical death. 6:35 College triathlete felt that pain motivated her.
13:40 College triathlete's knee pain motivated her. 3:27 Why is her biking easier than acting? 31:00 It takes effort to imagine beyond what-is.
2:45 He has a question about Abraham's Energy. 5:16 Does Abraham, as “Abraham” ever die? 10:29 Is everyone “channeling Abraham” actually channeling Abraham? 6:31 Money feels easier to spend than create. 5:10 He disappointed wife, then forgave self. 2:36 Sometimes he can’t mount the Focus Wheel. 9:13 To use our Larger Part to joyously teach? 3:00 What is the essence of Abraham’s teachings? 5:38 What’s up with our planet’s rumored extinction? 6:10 How can she accept an expanded belief? 3:46 Her dead pet helps her manifest butterflies. 1:45 What becomes of our past negative thoughts?
20:36 The man she really wants isn’t available. 10:00 If child doesn’t want “magic” to end? 2:00 If retriever doesn’t want ball-throwing to end? 14:34 How could he spiritually uncreate physical acne? 6:19 Pick the “life path” that feels best. 8:54 He’s survived a lifetime of deadly ailments. 1:16 Abraham closes the San Rafael Sunday Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, San Francisco, CA 8/8/09
5:08 If you’ve wanted it, you’ve created it. 6:32 Who are we, and what is Abraham? 10:45 Your current reality doesn’t mean diddley squat. 7:46 Is it a valid or bogus thought? 7:04 Will his inventions bring him riches? 0:32 He wants to become invisible to us. 22:30 Will her imagination cost her her lover?
11:46 His financial debt is a heavy burden. 12:10 Could Abraham Focus Wheel away his debt? 4:00 Closing the gap on desires feels joyous. 23:28 Is there potential Consciousness in inanimate objects?
3:20 A larger “Ask and it is given” cycle? 9:11 Will we eventually become our own ancestors? 11:10 He has been experiencing chronic joint dislocations. 10:08 Will visualizing physical healing bring him healing? 2:40 Are skin prickles making resistance feel obvious? 1:40 Doctor suggested pre-menopausal anti-depressant pills. 1:40 What part does ego play in creation. 7:00 She has a two-part personal croaking question. 9:00 Where’s the point of his creative power?
9:00 He’s a wonderful man but something’s lacking. 26:00 Can we trust others to think wisely? 4:17 What’s Abraham's thoughts on “Sacred Geometric Symbols”? 3:09 Are emotions powerful enough to bend light? 11:00 Is her Vortex not her primary goal? 4:65 Abraham closes the San Francisco Saturday Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, San Francisco, CA 8/9/09
9:07 Feel good now about your perceived future. 3:30 Can you have faith in the Universe? 5:20 Your Vortex contains the joyous future you. 4:44 Law of Attraction: the most powerful force. 6:00 The Art of Allowing your Creative Vortex. 14:00 Is fiancee blocking their NYC adventure? 10:00 She wants her move to be easy? 11:00 Is she living with the wrong husband?
14:12 How to align himself with less work? 14:06 She feels painful passion about saving turtles. 6:00 Is her dad actually seeing deceased mom? 13:00 Meditation brings her a wave of emotion. 3:00 If death’s so good, why not suicide?
4:00 If death’s so good, why not suicide? 2:35 When Abraham speaks of creating new worlds? 1:10 How long before deceased reincarnate to Earth? 2:00 Do deceased friends still think of her? 4:35 She felt propelled into the outer Universe. 2:38 Any meaning to observing same number repeatedly. 23:15 Could his gayness be affecting his ankle. 8:30 Were Jerry and Esther asking for Abraham? 5:30 How do Reiki healing and symbols work? 6:00 Her Christian beliefs have cost her friends.
7:20 Does Esther bring Abraham from her Vortex? 21:20 When cocreating with a self-destructive drug addict? 11:24 A Focus Wheel for her drug-addicted son. 4:33 Without meds, his chronic pain just lifted. 12:00 He broke his lover’s heart, once again. 3:42 Abraham closes the Sunday San Francisco Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Los Angeles, CA 9/5/09
5:00 You are the creator of your experience. 8:20 Vortices contain both physical and Nonphysical Energy. 7:00 There is only a “conspiracy” for you. 8:00 To what are you a compatible component? 7:26 You can’t go back from your knowing. 8:00 When speaking in (Holy Spirit) unknown tongues? 5:00 Relationships between this life and past life? 3:00 Can his skateboard defy law of gravity? 3:49 Your destiny is your Eternal expansion.
18:54 How can she vibrate into clearer visions? 15:30 Should this therapist have ended his relationship? 9:33 A Focus Wheel Process for his relationship?
6:20 Any value in his emotional release processes? 2:34 He is still struggling with some financial concerns. 4:05 To get and stay in the Vortex? 8:25 To better understand the time/space continuums? 8:11 Acupuncturist questions beliefs regarding release of pain. 17:24 Young daughter has always lied to mother. 3:31 Esther and Jerry trusting Abraham’s incredible ability. 6:00 Can Bible teachers also teach Abraham’s teachings? 8:32 What was the magic of Jesus’ healing?
5:00 People rise or lower to your expectations. 16:20 He preferred car crashes to airplane crashes. 6:00 Are judgements against music a bad thing? 3:00 What’s the distinction between sleep and meditation? 1:42 Some soothing words to realign her husband? 0:50 Why did her newborn daughter seem familiar? 9:31 Should he be doing more Focus Wheels? 5:00 She’s happy to have rediscovered joy. 8:14 Why it got worse before getting better. 6:40 Abraham closes the Los Angeles Saturday Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Los Angeles, CA 9/6/09

8:00 Your don’t wants launch your do wants. 4:00 What are your active thoughts about money? 6:50 Any personal decline is about your resistance. 9:20 It’s natural for you to be joyful. 10:36 Are you resisting your natural Well-Being? 3:00 When resisting the call of your Vortex? 4:30 By distraction, you can lift your resistance.
8:18 Is he being criticized by the devil? 7:10 When his brother drowned, his mother changed. 5:41 Mother recently died and Father seems lost. 15:22 He’s been disowned, disinherited, and almost divorced. 4:30 Why would we stop our love’s flow? 11:26 Husband’s financial newscasts are hindering her happiness. 11:00 Drinking alcohol, to please others, pains him.
10:40 His father-in-law, Pete, died a week ago. 7:20 Why isn’t talented she playing music professionally? 5:00 She wants to talk about fun sex. 3:00 She’s dating too many “not quite rights.” 7:00 Can he trust his Vibrational Escrow’s closing? 6:12 Are you wanting the work to end? 5:38 He wants a reason to trust Abraham. 2:06 Will music take us into the Vortex? 5:00 She is confused over understanding her guide. 2:00 Her transitioned Dad gave her a hug. 6:50 Abraham gives actress “The Secret” to success.
6:00 You’re not “sent & assigned, you’re creators. 2:16 Does Abraham get their humor from Esther? 4:15 What is the number of “Infinite Intelligence?” 6:13 How does the human brain function creatively? 4:06 He works with the want-to-be acting talent. 5:30 Should she put her cat to sleep? 7:13 A question about merging Spiritual with physical. 4:20 Have we a darker side to suppress? 9:50 She’s a recovering culture-of-shame Asian. 7:20 Which political group is the most evil? 4:48 Abraham closes the Los Angeles Sunday Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, San Diego, CA 9/19/09

4:40 Limiting your contrast will limit your creations. 6:00 First and foremost, you are Vibrational Beings. 7:00 Is Abraham’s Vibrational Reality another “fairy tale”? 5:03 You can’t lead children from behind. 8:08 Law of Attraction is managing your Vortex. 6:00 Does our language always convey our beliefs? 8:40 Could the Nonphysical exist without “The Times”? 6:31 He is questioning the existence of “purity.” 7:28 The internet and the Law of Attraction. 4:35 How to know when to stop reaching?
5:00 Are women generally more happy than men? 3:20 Can he realign with his pre-birth intents? 2:53 Does the f... word have a vibration? 4:00 Why weren’t Jerry and Ether Arabian born? 8:32 He has recently decided to feel good. 8:28 Was this elderly man fearing a mugging? 2:20 Playing his drums makes him feel free. 12:20 Should he set some new business goals? 11:58 Is reincarnation a form of recycling?
9:30 Is all Energy directed by our Consciousness? 20:50 She wants that beautiful relationship to return. 7:00 She feels somethings lacking regarding her business. 6:08 She is now considering birthing a baby. 3:00 She feels unified with her transitioned friend. 7:07 He wants to be more like Jesus. 2:00 Can Abraham speak Spanish through Esther Hicks? 14:0 She wants to talk about menopausal limitations.
7:41 Simple words to align with your Vortex. 7:32 She is sometimes feeling very discouraged. 8:10 She is sometimes feeling very frustrated. 10:46 She is sometimes feeling baseless fear. 5:14 She wants more happy Abers around her. 8:18 Can she earn a living awaiting alignment? 3:30 Feeling ashamed that she hasn’t accomplished more. 4:20 Felt a mix of trust and betrayal. 13:51 She can’t share beliefs with her children. 3:06 Abraham closes the San Diego, California Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Toronto, Canada 9/26/09

2:20 Contrast helps you focus on what’s wanted. 5:18 Everything that is conscious is seeking improvement. 3:48 You came forth to birth new ideas. 9:11 In the Vortex is where you belong. 9:25 Should he broadcast less negative “gay” issues? 5:33 Is there healing value in broadcasting humor? 10:00 A question about using Energy balancing contraptions. 8:00 Things are working out for Spiritualists, too. 7:00 Abraham’s point of view regarding medical alternatives?
26:00 Could she Focus Wheel a lottery winning? 13:10 How much Abundance are you asking for? 9:52 Does working with poverty practitioners cost success? 7:00 Some words for those living under bridges?
10:39 To be the best example for grandchildren. 9:00 Don’t worry about the grandchildren’s religious exposure. 9:46 Could blessed donut replace raw green vegetables? 18:44 Are you living by some flawed premises? 6:00 How can he speed up his expansion? 7:00 Could her artwork have a healing value?
6:10 After five years of avid drug use? 2:00 What if recreational drugs were made legal? 12:13 Will he mature beyond illuminating drug use? 29:00 Are they doing a swine-flu commercial? 13:00 He doesn’t have much desire for money. 3:46 Abraham closes the Toronto Canada workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Chicago, IL 10/3/09
6:00 As creators, you are focussers of Energy. 7:30 When walking down a negative memory lane? 4:00 You create the Vibrational version of you. 7:00 There are no worries in your Vortex. 9:20 Who cares more about themselves than you? 13:00 Stars are always showing up for him. 5:16 How do you expect it’ll work out? 10:00 If airlines captains prepare for geese crashes?
31:55 She learned Chiropractic to help others, but? 23:16 To use media to help people transform? 4:06 Can our shift in beliefs happen fast? 7:53 How can he create more valuable films?
5:22 How does a chakra system fit in? 2:28 A “crop circle” dog and pony show? 6:33 Did she choose being born with scoliosis? 8:25 Why would geese cause a plane crash? 9:71 He is going to an OOB conference. 4:51 While with another, she had magnificent manifestations. 6:16 He intended a positive family reunion experience. 6:03 He feels into his Vortex without trying. 8:30 Are there any advantages to two cocreators 3:00 He wants to succeed in day trading. 2:00 There is no war in the Vortex. 3:00 There is no fear in the Vortex.
46:00 What does the Vortex mean to them? 9:08 Abraham closes the Chicago Saturday Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Chicago, IL 10/4/09
5:31 Can you appreciate your varied contrasts? 6:00 Most people don’t believe beyond current conditions. 6:30 Your contrast is responsible for your expansion. 4:08 Train yourself into the vibration of alignment. 2:33 The joy you seek is within you. 11:35 How to soothe the dollar exchange? 8:20 Abraham’s value is in not seeing “reality.” 9:37 If one trader wins must another lose? 5:00 There is no “greed” in the Vortex.
12:07 Contractor had President Obama on her side. 6:10 Why was loving himself hard to do? 11:11 He has a question about “Atlantic City.” 12:34 How would Abraham define the word “intuition”? 5:05 Your “health insurance” is in the Vortex. 4:41 Her oncologist causes her to suffer fear. 3:33 He’s concerned his money will run out. (cont’d)
(cont’d) 12:50 He’s concerned his money will run out. 8:10 How can he maintain those giggly moments? 8:50 Why does she shake at these events? 8:10 She wantss her skin problems to clear up. 8:00 A question about Abraham’s Segment Intending Process. 10:29 Can she teach “sexuality” and maintain integrity? 4:00 Will she influence a friend’s “incurable” cancer?
12:20 How can artist stop “braking” her progress? 7:50 Why some Spiritual teachers disown our egos? 4:00 Feeling better is what you really want. 8:41 Is pushing for “quantum leaps” always counterproductive? 8:10 She has a question about corporate teamwork. 7:07 Looking for appreciation in the wrong places? 7:30 She gets numb feelings of unmanageable vertigo. 6:10 Abraham closes the Chicago Sunday Workshop

4 CD/TAPE Album, Boston, MA 10/10/09
5:12 Your focus, this moment, is attracting. 9:48 Your manifestations are indicators of your Vibrations. 13:12 Are you experiencing glitches in your Vibration? 21:08 If bisexual male marries a bisexual female? 16:20 How can she manifest her desires sooner?
9:00 How can she perfectly manifest Divine Love? 9:20 She wants an avenue of helpful actions. 4:16 Why does he remember (only) disturbing dreams? 6:56 A thirty day process of realigning sleep. 17:38 She wants a balanced relationship with food. 14:32 Thirty six years with a critical mate?
21:02 Can she focus on Wealth Focus Wheels? 6:00 What’s Abraham’s definition of the word paradox? 9:04 Where’s love, in heart, or solar-plexus? 15:00 He’s been shown to write a book. 3:18 What’s it like where Abraham hangs out? 12:24 She has experienced some unexplainable supernatural events.
15:45 Questions about demons, devils and fallen angels. 15:40 What was her pain an indication of? 2:04 What’s the power of this comedienne’s Vortex? 15:39 Which technology will be the most significant? 7:12 Are you taking mainfestational scores too soon? 7:18 Abraham closes the Boston MA Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Tarrytown, NY 10/17/09
7:12 Why does judging “badness” feel so bad? 4:29 Every cellular Consciousness asks for improvement. 7:00 It’s the new idea that calls you. 8:36 The emotions you feel are manifestational indicators. 6:25 You have two specific points of expansion. 5:00 He is asking who-he-really-is? 6:08 Can his meditations change his beliefs? 10:33 What should he do with his life? 4:36 Has the Abraham entity increased in size? 7:20 How do his beliefs affect his emotions?
21:03 Businessman still has an issue with abundance. 7:32 Is there a worldwide history of forgetting “Truths”? 4:47 Do some parents level with their children? 2:03 A technical question about Abraham’s languages? 1:09 What is the value of “logical thinking”? 10:40 When in the flow, she receives inspiration.
10:00 Her “time” deadlines can be most overwhelming. 8:13 Only affirm when in the Vortex. 6:00 Any “shortage” is an illusion of reality. 7:25 What are the cooperative components of the issue? 12:31 There is no “struggle” in Abraham’s teachings. 3:16 Abraham prefers our feeling appreciation over meditating. 17:10 She has been divorced for eighteen years.
6:20 Does “wave addition” affect Law of Attraction? 5:10 Can you dream beyond mechanical/digital power? 6:17 Your technology will always be growing forward. 3:36 Will he outgrow his pleasant “choked-up” feelings. 7:43 He just wanted “we” to call on him. 7:06 Death is not unconsciousness, it’s super-consciousness. 11:09 There is no reason to fear death. 4:32 Will he have an individual Nonphysical Consciousness? 11:19 He has questions about shared empathetic emotions. 0:20 Abraham closes the Tarrytown NY Saturday Workshop.

4 CD/TAPE Album, Tarrytown, NY 10/18/09

5:00 Earth’s variety offers you selfish personal preferences. 6:15 Most humans don’t enjoy their unfulfilled desires. 7:16 Are you wallowing in an “illness reality”? 5:49 Your life, right now, matches your Vibration. 2:00 In the Vortex, there is no lack. 9:00 Her vehicle’s moving, but her odometer’s stopped. 8:40 Whenever you’re in the Vortex, affirm it.
6:20 Does her attention to, expand environmental issues? 8:13 She wants to expect a compatible relationship. 16:25 Abraham helps guest Focus Wheel cooperative relationship. 5:21 Why is it that everything is Vibrational? 13:52 If she “expected” bad check would pass? 4:00 She feels an overwhelming bliss a lot.
4:35 Does meditation somehow merge with our Guidance? 9:20 How to expand her body-work health offering? 5:10 Is doctor focused on problems, or solutions? 3:00 Are there more advanced time/space realities? 9:28 Abraham is rooting for our individual happiness. 1:00 She wants Abraham to come to Canada. 6:06 How can she be more visibly happy? 7:04 She doubts he’s permanently in her Vortex. 2:00 She once had a deep water phobia. 7:00 Can she not doubt her medical treatments? 5:03 To feel comfortable distributing the foundation’s funds?
15:18 Cancer, as an indicator of what Vibrations? 10:43 Can his emotions guide him to health? 8:35 Both back pains and prickles indicate Vibrations. 3:21 Joy, to her, feels close to sadness. 7:20 To get from healthy, happy to dead? 10:14 Can she Focus Wheel a compatible dentist? 5:33 The best way to “milk the Vortex”? 4:47 Abraham closes the Tarrytown NY Sunday Workshop.
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