Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » pon 19. led 2009 9:15:53

Make more decisions in every day. Because a decision is a summoning of life. That's why a little chaos is good for you, because often you don't make a decision until you get yourself in a jam. And then, in the middle of the jam, you make a decision, but that decision summons Life Force. Have you ever been a place where you couldn't quite make up your mind and you just felt sort of limp? "Oh, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know." And then you decided, and you felt alive again. We want you to know that you'll never get it done. So don't approach this from, "I gotta get on this" because you're not ever going to get it done, anyway. And the other thing we want you to know is, you cannot get it wrong. So, make a decision. Let it flow.

Excerpted from a workshop in Larkspur, CA on Sunday, August 16th, 1998
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » úte 20. led 2009 9:10:21

Wherever you are, is just fine…You can get to wherever you want to be from wherever you are… It’s time to stop measuring where you are in relationship to where anybody else is. The only factor that has anything to do with you is where you are in relationship with where you want to be.

Excerpted from a workshop in Asheville, NC on Saturday, October 25th, 2003
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » stř 21. led 2009 9:15:27

Guest: One of my favorite quotes from the Bible, Matthew Chapter 5, verse 48, which says, “Be ye, therefore, perfect, even as your Father, which is in Heaven is perfect.”

Abraham: eeeeeeeeeeeeh! Thhhhhhh!

Well, so many people have messed with that, that they have forgotten that “perfection” means “endedness” and endedness means “done.” It means “death” in the way there is not death.

So we would like to restore that to its original test, by saying: Be that which you ARE, which is Pure Positive Energy, and explore the boundaries of the universe in your never-ending expansion.

Hawaiian Cruise, 2007
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » čtv 22. led 2009 10:44:48

There Will Never Be Peace On Your Planet Our desire is that they are consciously choosing, and that each of them find a way to be connected to Source Energy, because that is what they're fighting for: Freedom. Freedom from resistance, that's what they are all wanting. If we can envision them connected, more of them will find that. There will never be a time upon your planet when there will be peace -- because there will never be a time upon your planet when everyone is in agreement about the way life should be lived.

Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Sunday, April 11th, 1999
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » pát 23. led 2009 9:09:49

It’s interesting that the path to peace often is war. We, like you, don’t agree that it’s making things better, but we don’t think they’re wrong; and we understand the thinking behind it. And if you get involved in every disagreement of every point of Consciousness, your life’s just going to be in a scramble. Finally you have to say, “This isn’t about me. I didn’t wage this war. I didn’t pick this war. I don’t understand this war. I’m not going to think about this war, and I’m not going to use it as my excuse to not feel good any more.”

Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Monday, May 3rd, 2004
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » sob 24. led 2009 9:12:28

Because we know that life is eternal, and we know that there is no ending to that which you are about, if one of you is killed in an earthquake or crashes your plane, or any number of other very creative ways you have found to make your exit into the Non-Physical, because we know the whole picture, we grieve not a moment for any of you. But from your more shortsighted point of view in physical, a lot of you grieve tremendously.

Excerpted from a workshop in El Paso, TX on Saturday, February 17th, 2001
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » ned 25. led 2009 10:24:02

There are those who believe that the world is getting more and more desperate. We are here to tell you that the world is getting better and better, and better, and that every experience you have causes you to launch rockets of desires, and Source comes in response to those rockets. And the best thing about your birth and death is that the resistant ones die and the allowing ones are born. And with this combination of contrast that keeps you launching new and new desires, it’s no wonder that the Universe is expanding in this marvelous way and that life is getting better, in every day—and in this moment—for everyone who insists on focusing there.

Excerpted from a workshop in Portland, OR on Saturday, July 12th, 2003
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » pon 26. led 2009 9:05:40

You are magnificent beings, in the perfect place at the perfect time, unfolding perfectly, never getting it done, and never getting it wrong. Be more playful about all of it. "Today, no matter where I'm going, no matter what I am doing, and no matter who I'm doing it with -- it is my dominant intent to look for that which I'm wanting to see. I'm wanting to find thoughts and words and actions that feel good while I'm finding them. For in doing so, I am, in the moment, practicing the art of allowing all that I've been telling the Universe I'm wanting, for all of the days of my existence

Excerpted from a workshop in Asheville, NC on Sunday, October 29th, 2000
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » úte 27. led 2009 10:22:35

Be kind to yourselves. We want you to love you as we love you. We want you to know your value as we know your value. But that's something you will have to find on your own. Because while we know it, and while we express it, and while we want it for you, we cannot vibrate for you. We can hold you as the object of our attention, and we can know your power and your value. But it is really your work, to come to know your own power and value.
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » stř 28. led 2009 9:38:19

You cannot get it wrong, and you never get it done. And there is no possible way that you could ever displease that which is Non-Physically rooting for you and acknowledging the value of that which you are.
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » pát 30. led 2009 10:09:16

Guest: So, there is really no such thing as greed?

Abraham: Most people would define greed as taking more than I need, or getting more than my fair share. And we would say to you, this is a Universe that has infinite resources. (People quarrel with that, but it is our promise to you that if you have the ability to define it as a desire, this time/space reality, in which you are focused, has the ability to yield it to you, no exceptions.)

Excerpted from the workshop in Houston, TX on Saturday, January 5th, 2002
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » sob 31. led 2009 16:14:21

Here you are, on the same planet that you've been on for more years than you have the ability to count. And just in the last 400 years, look at the difference in your economy. And it's the same exact planet. Nobody has been trucking in or piping in any resources. There are not more resources present today. You are just vibrationally lining up with the utilization of them.

And, oh, this planet's ability to yield to you: you have not even scratched the surface of it. It is a continually replenishing environment. And you would never be able to get your planet imbalanced by utilizing more of its resources than it could produce. It just cannot happen.

So we would go back to your earlier question and say to you, greed is a non-issue because it is an impossibility. It is not possible for someone to get more than their fair share

Excerpted from the workshop in Houston, TX on Saturday, January 5th, 2002
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » pon 02. úno 2009 9:21:52

People say. "If I'm always setting goals and reaching for the future, then am I not squandering my now?" And we say if in your now you're using a future event to make you feel good, you are still feeling good in your now. And that's the best use of now that you could ever find.

Excerpted from a workshop in Atlanta, GA on Saturday, November 4th, 2000
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » úte 03. úno 2009 9:48:34

There are as many different worlds as there are perceivers or Beings or individuals. You are not here to create one world where everyone is the same, wanting and getting the same. You are here to be that which you want to be, while you allow all others to be that which they want to be.

Excerpted from a workshop in “The Law of Attraction,The Basics ofthe Teachings of Abraham” on Saturday, July 1st, 2006
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » ned 08. úno 2009 10:07:57

Many people are wanting to fan your flames of discomfort, because they believe that "you're either with us or against us; if you don't stand in the same disgust and horror that we are all standing, then you are not with us." It's hard for people to understand that you can not agree with them -- and not be against them. That you could be for something without being against something else.

Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, December 15th, 2001
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » pon 09. úno 2009 9:10:24

There's nothing tiny or insignificant. Everything is significant. And everything flows on the same basis of Laws. Whether you are looking at world events or something that's happening in your kitchen drawer, broad and important, or narrow and seemingly insignificant, there's potential for connection or disconnection in either case. And it is only the connection or the disconnection that is of really any importance.

Excerpted from the workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, November 25th, 2000
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » stř 11. úno 2009 11:10:09

"The Universe does not decide, 'Well, she shouldn't have that. Therefore, we'll hold out....' Nobody's deciding for you whether it's something appropriate or something inappropriate. The Universe just provides and allows anything that you achieve vibrational harmony with. You see how it works? Somebody else isn't deciding, 'Well, this is right, and this is wrong. We'll make this easier, and we'll make this harder.' Every bit of it - the speed with which it comes to you, the fullness with which it manifests - all have to do with the perfection of your vibrational offering. And what we've noticed as we've watched so many of you is that it is a really rare one of you that is offering your vibration on purpose."
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » čtv 12. úno 2009 9:08:57

We are not proponents of long life. We are proponents of joyful life, and when you find yourself in joy, the longevity usually follows. Although we do not count the success of a life by its length; we count it by its joy.

Excerpted from the workshop in West Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, March 6th, 2005
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » sob 14. úno 2009 9:30:08

The most effective parent is the one who gives birth and gets out of the way! Always there, lovingly, to answer anything that is asked, certainly, but not with that domineering.
You want your child to have a glorious experience, so just remember that for your child to live a glorious experience, he must be connected to Source Energy. So anything that you do that encourages that connection is helping. Anything that you do that discourages it - is not."

from an Abraham workshop in Chicago
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » ned 15. úno 2009 10:13:01

Nobody else knows your reason for being. You do. Your bliss guides you to it. When you follow your bliss, when you follow your path to joy, your conversation is of joy, your feelings are of joy -- you're right on the path of that which you intended when you came forth into this physical body

Excerpted from the workshop in Houston, TX on Saturday, January 5th, 2002
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